If you feel like treating yourself or your guests, try this lovely panna cotta. With coffee and Baileys you can't go wrong. Enjoy!

Makes 6 servings.


Place the gelatine in a bowl and cover with cold water. Let it stand for about 5 minutes.

Combine milk, cream and sugar in a pan. Warm it up gentle till a simmer and take it off the fire.

Remove the excess water from the gelatine. 
Mix in the gelatine to the hot milk, cream and sugar mixture till the gelatine dissolves. Add the Baileys Irish cream and stir it well.

Pour the mixture into small glasses or cups.

Let it cool and cover it with plastic wrap, refrigerate  overnight.

For the coffee syrup, combine the coffee and sugar, bring it t o boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for 10 minutes, set aside and let it cool.

Before serving pour some of the coffee syrup on top of the panna cotta. 







for the panna cotta

  • 4 leaves of gelatine
  • 300 ml whole cream milk
  • 300 ml double cream
  • 30g caster sugar
  • 30ml Baileys Irish Cream

for the coffee syrup

  • 300 ml espresso
  • 100g caster sugar