
Who doesn't like apple pies? This one is made using my grandmother's recipe, in fact for me it's the best apple pie i ever had.

8 servings

 I used a tin of 12 x 26cm  (5 x 10 inch ) but you can also use a small round or square tin.




First of all, the apples: wash all apples, peel them and cut in smaller pieces. Put the butter and sugar in a saucepan and let it melt. Add half of the apples, cook for 10 minutes and then add rest of the apples and cinnamon, cook for another 10 min. Then set aside.

Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F). Line the baking tin with baking parchment.

I make my pastry dough in a standing mixer but you can also use a food processor or just bring the pastry together with your hands. Prepare all the ingredients in the bowl of a standing mixer and using the flat beater attachment mix it up untill the pastry just starts to clump together. 

Sprinkle a little bit of flour on a clean work surface. Roll out the pastry dough into a rectangle about 1cm thick. Put your tin on top of the pastery and cut around it, this will be the top layer of the apple pie, use the rest of the dough for the bottom layer, place in the tin and adjust it with your fingers. Sprinkle some flour on the bottom layer before spreading the apples on top of the dough. Transfer the top layer on top of the apples. Brush the top with milk.

Bake the pastery for 45-50 minutes till nice and golden.  

Is deliciuse as it is or you can serve it warm with a vanilla icecrem. 






  • 2 egg yolks
  • 300g coarse-ground flour (or if you dont have it, all purpose flour)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 100g (½ cup) caster sugar
  • 100g cold unsalted butter diced into small pieces
  • 75g (1/2 cup) of sour cream 18%
  • one vanilla sugar
  • milk for brushing


  • 0,5kg Granny Smith or Bramley apples
  • 0,5kg Honeycrisp or Cox apples
  • 100g (½ cup) caster sugar
  • 50g butter unsalted butter
  • ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon