Brioche, the classic French buttery yeast bread, very light, rich and not too sweet.
This recipy is perfect, I wouldn’t change anything in it. It's best to prepare the dough the day before and bake it in the morning for a perfect breakfast treat.
I love it with some butter and strawberry jam, but you can serve with any jam or honey as you like or just simply by itself would be also very delicious.

Makes 9 servings.



Using a stand mixer, fitted with a dough hook, prepare flour, yeast, sugar, eggs and milk.
Mix it on a low speed until the dough would be soft and springy in about 10 minutes.
Add salt and butter and mix it for another 5 minutes until the dough is smooth, shiny but still quite soft.

Place the dough in a battered big bowl, covered with cling film (plastic wrap) in the refrigrirator overnight. This way, it will be easier to shape it the next day.

Butter and flour a 26cm round tin.
Take the dough out, turn it onto the floured work surface, fold it a few times and divide the dough into 9 equal pieces.
Shape each pieces into a ball, put one in the middle of tin and arrage the rest symetricaly around it, leaving space between to grow. Cover the tin with a linen towel (tea towel). Leave it in a warm place and let it rest for about 2-3 hours untill it is double the size.

About 30 minutes before your dough is ready preheat the oven to 190°C ( 370°F)
When the dough is about double the size, brush gently over it with milk and bake for about 20-30 minutes.
Remove from the oven and let it cool off before removing it from the baking tin.

Bon Appétit!




  • 500 grams strong white bread flour
  • 50 grams caster sugar
  • 10 grams instant yeast
  • 5 grams salt
  • 140 ml warm milk ( 42°C /  105°F)
  • 5 medium eggs at room temperature
  • 250 grams unsalted butter, softened