A flat cake, baked in a pan...

A simple pancake or crêpe, best with good Canadian Maple Syrup.




Place all the dry ingredients in the bowl of standing mixer, add the egg and 1 ½ cup of milk. Using a whip attachment start mixing on a slow speed till smooth, add slowly the rest of the milk and coconut oil.
Mix it all till the mixture is nice and smooth, no lumps. The batter should be quite runny.
Cover with plastic wrap and let it stand for 20 min. The batter will get thicker with time. The consistence should be like  thick cream. 

Heat your pan with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, pour some batter in the the pan, not to much batter, you want your pancake to be nice and thin. Fry it on a medium heat till golden on the bottom. If your first pancake would be to thick just add a little bit of milk and try again.

Serve with a maple syrup, fruits, powder sugar or anything you like. 

In case you are planning to prepare the batter earlier, once finished, leave it in the fridge and swap the coconut oil in the batter for rape seeds oil, you will avoid lumps of coconut milk (it gets harder when gets cold). 


  • 350 grams of plain flour
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 egg
  • 3 ½ cups of full cream milk
  • 2 tbsp of coconut oil + extra for frying