

In a big glass continer mix 500g of flour with the grated apple and water. Cover and leave to ferment for 3 days at room temperature.

After 3 days discard half of the mix and add another 250g of the bread flour and 170ml of tepid water, mix it with a wooden spoon. Cover and leave it for another 2 days.

After those 2 days discard half of the mix and add another 250g of bread flour and enough water to make the dough very wet. cover it and leave it for 24 hours. 

At this point your starter should be ready to use.

if you are using your starter often you can leave it at room temperature, feeding it at least every 3 days. If you use your starter less often keep it in the fridge and take it out once a week, let it warm up, feed it, and when you will see that your starter is active again put in the fridge again. Remember the starter have to be active and at room temperature before use.

Personally I take out the starter in the morning, allowing to warm up for 2 hours, then I feed it by adding the same amount of water and flour. Then in the same evening I prepare my leaven. 

After one year of using my sourdough starter I started adding rye flour instead of white bread flour and it become rye sourdough starter, it worked beautifully. 



  • 1kg strong bread flour
  • 1 organic apple, grated, with skin
  • 360ml tepid water