The plum season is finally here! These dumplings are also good with different fruits like apples or apricots however I will focus on the plum version here. It is a very quick option for dinner specialy if you will prepare the potatoes the day before.


Serves 4 people



Peel and boil the potatoes until soft. Let these cool down without the lid. It would be best if you will prepare these the day before and refrigerate  these overnight. Mash your potatoes, add both flours and the egg. Bring the dough together with your hands, it should be smooth and should not stick to your hands. If the dough would be too wet, add another tablespoon of potato flour.

Cut the plums in half and remove the seeds.

Start boiling water in a large pan.

Melt the butter. Set aside.

Cut the dough in half and make a cilinder about 4cm thick, cut it into 1,5cm thick slices. Take one of the slices and make it a little bit thiner with your fingers or a rolling pin, to about 0,5cm thick. Place one plum in the middle of the dough and sprinkle with some sugar. Using your hands close the dumpling, making a small ball. Repeat this till your dough is finished.

Put a few dumplings at a time into the boiling water, wait till they start to float and then let them cook for another 4-5min. take them out one by one and let them rest in a sieve for a minute or two.

Serve warm with some melted butter on top and yoghurt.




  • 500g potatoes
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1/4 cup potato flour
  • 1 egg
  • 250g ripe plums
  • around 2 tablespoon of sugar
  • 50g unsalted butter
  • yogurt for serving